4741 voltaire st. San diego, CA 92107
Regular Hours
Sunday - Thursday: 11:30AM - 9:00PM
* last call for seating: 8:30PM
* last call for dine-in: 8:45PM
* last call for take-out: 8:45PM
Friday - Saturday: 11:30AM - 9:30PM
* last call for seating: 9:00PM
* last call for dine-in: 9:15PM
* last call for take-out: 9:15PM
Lunch Specials
Monday - Thursday: 11:30AM - 3:00PM
* not available on holidays
* not available with other promos
Happy Hour
Monday - Thursday: 3:00PM - 5:30PM
* not available on holidays
* not available with other promos
*While our seating usually closes 15 minutes prior to our listed closing time, our waitlist is subject to close early based on restaurant capacity.
Phone: (619) 269-3780
Location Email: harumama.ob.ca@gmail.com
*Please note that we do not accept reservations or catering orders. Additionally, we are unable to rent out or reserve seating for events. Thank you for understanding.